Nov 23 2011

vCenter Server 4.1 network port requirements


Port Description
80 Required for direct HTTP connections. Port 80 redirects requests to HTTPS port 443.
389 Active Directory Services for the vCenter Server group
443 Listens for connections from the vSphere Client, vSphere Web Access Client, and other SDK clients.
636 SSL port of the local instance for vCenter Linked Mode.
902 UDP Used to send data to managed hosts.
902/903 Used by the vSphere Client to display virtual machine consoles.
5989 CIM transaction traffic (Hardware Status)
8080 vCenter Management Webservices HTTP.
8443 Secure connections for vCenter Management Webservices HTTPS.

Used to stream inventory object changes to SDK clients. Firewall rules for this port on the vCenter Server can be set to block all, except from and to localhosts if the clients are installed on the same host as the vCenter Server service.

Jun 10 2011

FortiGate Application Control Policy Not Applied

Clear all existing sessions on the firewall after having configured the new application control policy.  A session will continue to work if it was established before the policy was enabled.

Run from CLI :

diagnose sys session clear

or reboot the FortiGate.